Friday, July 10, 2009

ok, same old opening!!! I haven't blogged for a while... I just need to get involved more and figure it out more!!! Well lastnight I went to my friend Ciji's house... she had whats called a coupon party. I thought I knew how to use coupons and pricematch. The best I ever did was buy $300.00 worth of groceries for $150.00, I thought that was pretty darn good! Well come to find out... she can get $650.00 worth of groceries for around $57.00 yep that is no typo... $57.00. And she even shops at Albertson's and shows us all her receipts for proof! So that is going to be my new hobby!!!

Oh by the way if any one reads this or whatever... I am having a coupon party of my own to show all the people I love how to save that much money... So if you wanna come you all know where I live... you can invite your friends if you want... Its all free... no gimmicks... you dont have to buy anything... all you need to save money is a her knowledge and a newspaper subscription... so if you have one great if not you can get signed up at the party if you want... if you dont want to thats totally fine too... there will be yummy snacks and a fun girls night (like 2 hours)!!! So come prepared to save your family a couple hundred dollars a month!!!

The party will be at my house on Friday August 7th at 7pm. please no children as there will be a lot of people coming... Hope to see you there....


Cynthia said...

I would really like to come, I am all about saving money! Plus it will give me a chance to see you:)

Heather said...

yeah i will totally save you a seat... this lady is AMAZING!!! And plus it is way easier than i thought no cutting coupons or anything!!!

Andrea said...

I want to come. I have been wanting to see how couponing really works.